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Joan MacKinnon Memorial Scholarship
Through generous support from Joan's family, the Lifesaving Society of BC & Yukon is able to offer this annual scholarship in memory of Joan MacKinnon. This scholarship aims to support someone at the start of their aquatics career and remove barriers, such as course fees, travel, food, lodging, or associated costs.
Joan filled many roles in aquatics as a mentor, instructor, coach, and a friend to many. She was always kind, compassionate, and giving of herself. The new scholarship will support someone looking to start their training and enter the aquatics field. Remembering his mother, Aaron Moldenhauer reminisced, "When I think about my mother, I can't help but think about the water too. She raised me around the water; taught me to swim, taught me lifesaving and first aid, and showed me how to be a good lifeguard and later on a leader too. I hope this passion is something we can continue on for her and I hope to be able to provide an opportunity for others to enter the field that she so enjoyed."
Award Value
One Scholarship of $1000.00 will be awarded each year.
Nominees must be holder of current Lifesaving Society awards and a resident of a community with a population of under 100,000 people.
Applicants must submit the standard application form along with a resume outlining aquatic experience, both paid and/or volunteer, accompanied by letters from one work reference and one personal reference. Volunteer involvement in the aquatics community is an asset.
Applicants must submit the standard application form along with a resume outlining aquatic experience, both paid and volunteer, accompanied by letters from one work reference and one personal reference. Volunteer involvement in the aquatic community is an asset.
Scholarship application and reference letters must be received in the Branch by January 31 at 4:30pm.
Award recipients will be chosen by the end of February.
Scholarships will be awarded at the Branch Annual General Meeting in March.
Past Recipients:
- Alli Daniele, Prince Rupert
112-3989 Henning Drive
Burnaby, BC
V5C 6N5
T: 604.299.5450
General inquiries: info@lifesaving.bc.ca
Awards inquiries: awards@lifesaving.bc.ca
112-3989 Henning Drive
Burnaby, British Columbia V5C 6N5
Branch Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30
T: 604.299.5450
General inquiries: info@lifesaving.bc.ca
Awards inquiries: awards@lifesaving.bc.ca
© Lifesaving Society BC / Yukon